Monday, December 23, 2019

Evaluation Of An Initial Assessment - 952 Words

Initial Assessment The initial assessment was conducted in an EP’s office where Mrs. G. Patterson felt safe and comfortable, ensuring her current anxiety was acknowledged to develop trust. Effective communication and engagement was the priority, utilising patient-centred interviewing skills to build rapport, show empathy and ensure Mrs. G. Patterson was an active participant through the assessment phases. Person centred engagement was paramount ensuring possible barriers are identified and reduced, enabling the building level of trust and rapport using transparency, repetition, resources and patience (Stanton et al. 2015). Subjective Assessment Mrs. G. Patterson’s undertook an initial assessment screen tool, a series of directing†¦show more content†¦Information gained from the referral, General client-specific information, General information required to participate in a physical activity program. Comprehensive medical assessment: including previous injuries, surgeries, medications and medical interventions not associated with diagnosis. Objective Assessment Information gathered during the objective assessment are based on the observations of Mrs. Glenys Patterson and all assessments selected from the subjective interview, general observations and justified using clinical reasoning. Assessment tools utilised: Body Composition: †¢ Weight, Height, BMI, Waist, BF% (BIA) o Client goal is weight loss, therefore require a baseline measure against which progress can be assessed. o Client is sedentary, has put on weight, and being severely obese has high risk factors for the development of several chronic diseases and secondary health conditions. Gait, Balance and Functional Mobility: †¢ Timed Up and Go, assesses client’s functional ability and can also provide information regarding gait pattern. †¢ Balance Assessment, double leg stance and progress to single leg stance. †¢ Mobility Assessment (Community Balance and Mobility Scale). †¢ Independence inShow MoreRelatedEvaluation Of An Initial Self Assessment1545 Words   |  7 PagesThe purpose of this paper is to complete an initial self-assessment to determine both educational and academic background. I will also recognize strengths and potential weakness recognized in components of management and leadership roles that I have worked in over the course of my nursing career. Descriptions of the characteristics indicated from the Jung typology test by Humanmetrics, Inc. will be included in the analysis. Education My academic nursing education includes receiving my registeredRead MoreArchitecture Assessment Method And Assessment Methodology Path1399 Words   |  6 Pagesfunctions the system must have. From those initial required inputs the architecture generation process can begin. The initial architecture representation and a tree of attributes will be generated by the architect in conjunction with the stakeholder’s consensus. The final architecture is the end result of the architecture assessment model method and the Key Performance Attribute (KPA’s) system performance evaluation. The architecture assessment method and assessment methodology path is represented in FigureRead MoreEvaluation Of A Formal Referral1691 Words   |  7 Pagesdetermine if an evaluation is warranted and the scope of that evaluation. Typically learning, psychological, and social assessments are ordered. 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If a student needs an IEP, then there are steps to take before creating an IEP. First, student is referred for evaluation. This occurs through reaching top of RTI, or parent requests evaluation. Second, student is evaluated to identify disability. Third, the IEP team meets to determine eligibility. Fourth, the IEP is developed. Fifth, both the IEP team and special education teacher inform the parentRead MoreTeacher Assessment And Assessment913 Words   |  4 Pagescapacity of educators and their ability to use computer software to run analyses but also to competences such as formulating research questions, isolation of relevant data outputs, interpreting results and effective ly developing and using classroom assessments (Marsh and Ikemoto, 2006). Instructional leaders ought to know how to use data and evidence to inform decisions associated with learning, more so when those decisions become standard practice (Martin et al 2016). 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

My Dream, My Future Free Essays

My Dream, My Future Do you pay attention in how fast time goes by? Before we realize, time has passed by and all the dreams we had for our future have not yet come true. The reason is because our dreams are just dreams and haven’t yet become goals. Life is no Nintendo game. We will write a custom essay sample on My Dream, My Future or any similar topic only for you Order Now You live only once. Therefore, we must fulfill those precious one called Dream during the rest of our short Life. As for me, I have my own dreams too. If you ask me this in my childhood, I would say: â€Å"I want to be a teacher†¦ I want to be an actor†¦ and so on†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . But if you ask me now, I will tell you I have three major dreams. First, I want to graduate this school with the Best grades ever! So, my parents can be proud of me. Second, I want my life to be colorful and beatific. Enjoying life doesn’t waste money, we should use many to do some significative things. For instance, we can contribute our money to help the poor and homeless children, we can travel to somewhere to see the nature scene, we can buy book or collect your interested things to enrich our life, we also can have time to play with your family. Third, I want to travel all around the world. I have always been curious about other cultures and the differences between people in other countries. It would be amazing to travel the whole world. Just realize that you are Riding an Elephant which is the Biggest terricole being, or standing on the Highest spot of magical Pyramids in Egypt, or maybe wandering Deep in the sea and seeing unidentified creatures. Furthermore I would love to bungee jump or swim with sharks, experiencing life to the limits. In the future I may have new dreams, but the first goal I have to achieve is getting my diploma. This is one of the keys to accomplish my other goals and dreams. After becoming a professional, I want to start a family, one lovely wife and maybe three children’s and have one beautiful cozy home to raise my kids and grow old with the people I love the most. I hope to achieve†¦ Written by: B. Davaasuren How to cite My Dream, My Future, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Childcare Level 2 Unit 1 D5 and B1Assignment free essay sample

D5-explain how to prepare to work in a placement with children. Before starting placement it is important to prepare for it because it will help you get the most out the placement â€Å"before starting placement it is important that you prepare yourself in every aspect. †(Class hand out). you can prepare for it by finding out about the placement, what to wear, time of arrival, and name of supervisor. You can ask your placement provider or from the setting’s website; in the placement you should know what you hoping to achieve by undertaking placement. It is very good to find out about the setting you will work in because then you will have a clear idea of what to expect; you need to have knowledge about children and have a professional way of working with children and others and also it will be good if you set some goals before starting placement which may help you stay focused and you will also be able to make the most of opportunities that may arise while you are in the placement. We will write a custom essay sample on Childcare Level 2 Unit 1 D5 and B1Assignment or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page B1-explain why the first impressions that you make in the setting are important. It is very important to give first impression in a appropriate way; because most of the people try to guess the personality right from the first impression and they act according for e. g. Some people may give first impression very bad like dressing up, way of talking â€Å"remember that your perceived personality is also judged by your physical attributes and how you present yourself to the people. †(www. exforsys. com accessed on 28th Nov 09) but with the passage of time you may come to know that they have an opposite personality and they gradually change. Same way there are some people who give first good impression and you may like them in the early stages but later on they may change and have a opposite personality for. e. g. narrow minded,impernent,negative thinking, pessimistic. Despite of all that it is very important to give first impression in a good way and act accordingly throughout the time because it is very hard to change the first impression and you have to make the people think positive in optimistic way; because the first impression invites others to come closer to you and to know more about you. So before starting placement it is very important for you to give first good impression in order to create a good relationship with the staff; you can do this by preparing yourself in every way so you don’t give bad impression and you can do this by finding out about the setting so for that I choose these two explanations. What to wear *black sensible shoes *straight black trousers by finding out the dress code you will be able to show that how interested you are and also that you are aware of safety. Who is your supervisor? *what their job is *how to address them *how they teach the children *the dress code *name of the supervisor *what duties you’ll be expected to do. This show how reliable you are and will help people to talk openly with you and to trust you. That is why first impression is very important because people decide and make opinion about you in the first impression. So it is very important to give a nice first impression to win their hearts.