Saturday, December 7, 2019

Childcare Level 2 Unit 1 D5 and B1Assignment free essay sample

D5-explain how to prepare to work in a placement with children. Before starting placement it is important to prepare for it because it will help you get the most out the placement â€Å"before starting placement it is important that you prepare yourself in every aspect. †(Class hand out). you can prepare for it by finding out about the placement, what to wear, time of arrival, and name of supervisor. You can ask your placement provider or from the setting’s website; in the placement you should know what you hoping to achieve by undertaking placement. It is very good to find out about the setting you will work in because then you will have a clear idea of what to expect; you need to have knowledge about children and have a professional way of working with children and others and also it will be good if you set some goals before starting placement which may help you stay focused and you will also be able to make the most of opportunities that may arise while you are in the placement. We will write a custom essay sample on Childcare Level 2 Unit 1 D5 and B1Assignment or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page B1-explain why the first impressions that you make in the setting are important. It is very important to give first impression in a appropriate way; because most of the people try to guess the personality right from the first impression and they act according for e. g. Some people may give first impression very bad like dressing up, way of talking â€Å"remember that your perceived personality is also judged by your physical attributes and how you present yourself to the people. †(www. exforsys. com accessed on 28th Nov 09) but with the passage of time you may come to know that they have an opposite personality and they gradually change. Same way there are some people who give first good impression and you may like them in the early stages but later on they may change and have a opposite personality for. e. g. narrow minded,impernent,negative thinking, pessimistic. Despite of all that it is very important to give first impression in a good way and act accordingly throughout the time because it is very hard to change the first impression and you have to make the people think positive in optimistic way; because the first impression invites others to come closer to you and to know more about you. So before starting placement it is very important for you to give first good impression in order to create a good relationship with the staff; you can do this by preparing yourself in every way so you don’t give bad impression and you can do this by finding out about the setting so for that I choose these two explanations. What to wear *black sensible shoes *straight black trousers by finding out the dress code you will be able to show that how interested you are and also that you are aware of safety. Who is your supervisor? *what their job is *how to address them *how they teach the children *the dress code *name of the supervisor *what duties you’ll be expected to do. This show how reliable you are and will help people to talk openly with you and to trust you. That is why first impression is very important because people decide and make opinion about you in the first impression. So it is very important to give a nice first impression to win their hearts.

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