Friday, May 8, 2020

Theories in Second Language Acquisition - 1470 Words

There has been a lot of research in Second Language Acquisition and there has many theories in this field. Since the 1970s more scholars have been very keen to explain the acquisition process. Particular attention has been given to the way we process information and this involves input and output. The major debate on this subject is what takes place in between the two stages. This essay will consider the contributions made by each of the above named scholars on the models of SLA. They each have their different versions of the model. Generally, the classic model of SLA is believed to be Input-Developmental system-Output. However, these two scholars have offered their own take on this classic model. The essay will first discuss the similarities of both of their models and later explain the differences between the two models. The similarities between the models are that they both agree that not all language data is available and utilised by the learner. This means that learners will have to use internal strategies as a result of not having all the information they need to process a sentence but they are able to process lexical items. They both show a progressive reduction of the amount of information processed. This means learners have a limited capacity for processing information. Therefore, they can only comprehend input by extracting meaning from the data they receive. This also means that learners will find it more challenging to process form and structure. AnotherShow MoreRelatedSecond Language Acquisition Theories1239 Words   |  5 Pagesto see themselves as volunteer ‘tutors’ but rather as English buddies to their young ELL partners (see p. 175). Why would the researchers insist on this subtle, but real, shift in the identity of the volunteers? Discuss at least two second language a cquisition theories that could plausibly be guiding the researchers. 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